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Conveyed Emotions

Poem Section (Only One Poem Displayed)

Look at me...
Turn your dizzying dark brown eyes to me!
Can't you see how much I love you!?
And yet...
How can you not notice
The swirling feelings I have for you?
They are all conveyed in my eyes!
Always the first thing everyone sees!
If you only cared to look...
No...don't turn away!
Not to her!
Why...how can you do this to me?
She doesn't know you!
I've been with you since the beginning...
You've only just met her!
Surely I'm worth more to you!
Please...don't leave...
Don't leave me in the dark...

--Author's Note: I was trying to convey Mayura's feelings in Alice 19th...I don't think it worked XP

Whispered Sorrow

Journal Section

March 9, 2009

XDD I made a new friend yesterday on YouTube! He's way funny...my stomach hurts too much from laughing. Too bad that our time difference is so big =.='' We can only talk for half an hour at a time...ahh! Stupid time difference! About the things we talk about...uhh...I won't type it in XDD Snow-chan! I miss you so much! I'm sorry that i had to sign off right after my argument with Mom! But we're okay now XD Okay, this is random, but this is to all guys. It is NOT cool to appear out of nowhere in a girl's last class right after school. IT IS DEFINITELY NOT COOL! Especially if the girl in question does NOT like you back! You hear? Understasnd? Good XDD Eek! I know I'm random XD To be more random, I hope it snows tomorrow XD Please? I don't want to go to school~ *whines*

January 4, 2008

I still have to do my lines for Snow-chan and Yami-chan >.< I'm sorry!!! Gomen! I will do them later...tomorrow, if I have time. School starts tomorrow. Christmas break is already over...it's really sad. I've added a "Violin Pieces" section to my channel, since there are a lot of them that I'm going to record...O.O I think I should start getting them all finished...Sora-chan's lines are due on the ninth, so I'm not as worried there. By the way, HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY YAMI-CHAN!!! ^.^ It's the fourth over here...I guess it should be your birthday over there ^.^ Ahh! I hope it snows tomorrow! Actually, the day AFTER tomorrow! It'll be perfect that way! XDDD But I probably won't be that lucky--I never am. A new fandub is up (I know I should be doing my lines >.<). It's called Naraku no Hana--the song is really intense. I still didn't get my Christmas present yet...I hope I will soon! ^.^

December 30, 2008

Ahh...quiz XDDD
1. The one who asked me to do this survey?
Faith-chan ^.^
2.The relationship between us?
3.The 3 impression of her?
Awesome, nice, shy XDD
4.The most memorable thing she has done for you?
Addiction to my voice? O.o
5.The most memorable thing she said to you?
"i'm too shy to record" (no you're not!!! XDDD)
6.If he or she becomes your LOVER, you will?
7.If he or she becomes your LOVER, what should he/she improve on?
8.If she becomes your enemy you will ?
9.If she becomes you enemy, the reason could be?
See answer to question eight ^.^
10.The most desirable thing you wanna do for her.
Make her post up fandubs!!! =D
11.Your overall impresson of her is?
Awesome and Friendly ^.^
12.How do you think the people around you feel for you.
umm...i'm too shy and polite??? XDDD
13.What i love about myself?
I have no idea...
14.What i dislike about myself ?
15.The Most Ideal Person you want to be is ?
LOTS!!! ^.^ BoA, Yui, Nana Mizuki...etc.
16.For people that care,love & concern for you, say something to them ?
17.Ten People that you passed the survey to is?not in order
I'll just list people >.> XDDD
18.Who is No. 6 having BGR with?
What's BGR????
19.Is No. 9 a male or female?
Female ^.^
20.If No. 7 & No. 10 is together, will it be good?
21.What is No. 2 studying about?
Umm...schoolwork??? XDDD
22.When is the last time you speak with No. 3?
A looonnng time ago...wahh! I miss talking to you Sophie-chan!
23.What music or band do you think No. 7 like?
A wide variety...usually music from animations...I think?
24.Does No.1 has any siblings?
Yup! ^.^ A brother!
25.Would you woo No. 3?
26.Would you woo No.7?
27.Is No. 4 Single?
Umm....I have no idea XD
28.What is the name of No. 5 ?
Ack! I have no idea (don't kill me for this XD)
29.What is the Hobby of No. 10?
Watching dramas, animes, listening to music, etc.
30.Does No.5 & No. 9 get along well?
I don't think they know each other XD
31.Where is No. 2 studying at?
No idea XDDD
32.Talk something casually about No. 1?
She's my friend! And duet partner! And it's fun to talk to her! XDDD
33.Have you developed Feelings with No. 6?
We've become friends? XD
34.Where does No. 9 lives at?
Eek! I don't know...XD
35.What Colour does No. 4 likes?
Um..blue? (guessing) XD
36.Is No.1 & No.5 good friends?
Yup! No.5 is No.1's onee-chan! ^.^
37.Is No. 8 sexy?
I have no idea...
38.What is No. 6 doing now?
Uhh...mixing a video? XDDD

Yay!!! END OF QUIZ!!! XDDD I really need to finish lots of stuff before school starts again >.> *sigh* I'm too lazy to write anymore =P Bye-bye!

December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas to everyone! May your day be as sweet as chocolate! ^.^ I've made a new fandub--this time, it's a Christmas video, to thank those who had befriended me, subscribed me, and watched my videos on YouTube. The song is called "Meri Kuri" by BoA. I just fell in love with this song while searching for a Japanese Christmas song to sing--which is just as well, since I can't find another Christmas song to fandub (I was going to do "Happy Christmas" from Shugo Chara, but no lyrics yet). Please check it out! Even though the song is not in my range (inaudible low notes >.<) I still was pretty satisfied with the outcome of this song. My "Every Heart" fandub, on the other hand...*cringes* I shouldn't have tried to mess too much with Audacity XDDD But other people says that it's fine, so I guess it's fine? XP Hmm...I wonder if my voice does sound a little nasal...XDDD I guess that's just the way I sing...I hope it doesn't sound too bad though XP *sigh* I really hope Christmas break doesn't end soon...I will miss having time to sing everyday. Ahh...need to hurry and finish the "Yuuki no Uta" sheet music...I finished the "Yume no Tsubomi" one but it was very messy >.< It was harder than I though =P I hope I'll finish by Monday, but we'll see ^.-

December 21, 2008

Ahh...no fandubbing today XP Let's see...I'm gonna fandub "Every Heart" tomorrow...I think XD I hope I won't be too lazy to do it. I might do "Never Had a Dream Come True" (it's hard to sing low), but then again...*wink wink* Today, we decorated out house for the Christmas holiday! ^.^ Although we didn't have a Christmas tree, we wrapped lights around the fake house fir...thing XD All that's missing are the presents <3333 I'm completely sad right now...I've ran out of books to read!!! XDDDD *sigh* I'll just re-read some of the books at home I guess...I want a laptop for my Christmas present...*big puppy eyes* Very pwease??? XDD

December 20, 2008

It's finally Saturday over here!!! I just can't stop listening to Yiruma's piano pieces. They're so beautiful and sad! My favorite is "Kiss the Rain" while Snow-chan's favorite is "Maybe". "River Flows in You" is amazing too...I wish I can play the piano XD Let's see...I have to make my Every Heart fandub today...and maybe post it up today. I also need to record my part for Yami-chan...*secret* and audition for Mayura in Alice 19th by Yuu Watase. I just love Mayura's character...even though she's supposed to be the bad person...but I feel so sad for her...I'm too lazy to do my "Never Had a Dream Come True" fandub...the low notes are so hard XP I probably should rest my voice a bit today though...Sorry for just rambling on (isn't that what a blog is for? XDD) and bye-bye!


I finished my Alice 19th audition! Too bad it's not too good...still, I hope I get a part in this! ^.^ And I made an original song >.> This was completely inspired from Sophie-chan! She's the BEST at making songs! I mean, she's AMAZING! Mine turned out okay...not too good, and definitely worse than hers hehe...^.^;; Still, it was fun...the name of it is Memories Under the Tree--it's in my channel if you want to see it...maybe I should just rest and put off the Every Heart recording XDDD

December 19, 2008

It took me a long time to finish this blog XD No school today! It's a snow day ^.^ Okay, I'm gonna make lots of fandubs this Christmas break!!! A lot of groupdubs also! Sadly, I didn't get my permit yet...hope I will soon! Ahh...don't know what to write >.< XDDD I'll go now, bye-bye!

Shadowed Secrets

Stage Name: Yuka-chan

Talents: Singing, Violin

Birthday: April 11

YouTube Username: ReflectingTearDrops

Sweet Tunes




~Heavy Metal
~Swear Words

Friends on YouTube:



~To improve at singing

~To improve at the violin

~To get 100 subscribers

~To make up my own songs

~To make my own lyrics to songs

~To improve at harmonies

~To get a better mic

Visit My Friends and I

Yuka-chan (me!)









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